Papers with a green background have been completely checked, and so the database should contain all problems in that paper. There remain many problem lists of Erdős that have only been partially, if at all, checked against this database. One day, hopefully, all of the problems in the lists below will have been entered into this database. One purpose of this list to show where the work remains to be done.
I believe this list is complete; if you know of a problem list (i.e. a paper (co)written by Erdős whose main purpose is to discuss open problems) not on the list please let me know.
There are 144 lists, of which 43 are completely checked.
12 problems (6 solved) |
Some problems on the distribution of prime numbers C.I.M.E., Teoria dei numeri (1955) |
11 problems (3 solved) |
Problems and results in additive number theory Colloque sur la Th\'{E}orie des Nombres, Bruxelles, 1955 127-137 (1956) MR 0079027 |
29 problems (17 solved) |
Some unsolved problems Michigan Math. J. 291-300 (1957) MR 98702 |
5 problems (1 solved) |
Über einige Probleme der additiven Zahlentheorie Sammelband zu Ehren des 250. Geburtstages Leonhard Eulers 116-119 (1959) MR 176972 |
109 problems (51 solved) |
Some unsolved problems Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat. Kutató Int. Közl. 221-254 (1961) MR 177846 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Remarks on number theory. IV. Extremal problems in number theory. I Mat. Lapok 228-255 (1962) MR 195822 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Quelques probl\'{E}mes de th\'{E}orie des nombres Monographies de L'Enseignement Math\'{E}matique, No. 6 81-135 (1963) MR 158847 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results on diophantine approximations Compositio Math. 52-65 (1964) MR 179131 |
7 problems (2 solved) |
Extremal problems in graph theory Theory of Graphs and its Applications (Proc. Sympos. Smolenice, 1963) 29-36 (1964) MR 180500 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Extremal problems in number theory Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol. VIII 181-189 (1965) MR 174539 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some recent advances and current problems in number theory Lectures on Modern Mathematics, Vol. III 196-244 (1965) MR 177933 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results on the convergence and divergence properties of the Lagrange interpolation polynomials and some extremal problems Mathematica (Cluj) 65-73 (1967) MR 233114 |
5 problems (3 solved) |
Extremal problems in graph theory A Seminar on Graph Theory 54-59 (1967) MR 223263 |
15 problems (3 solved) |
Some applications of graph theory to number theory The Many Facets of Graph Theory (Proc. Conf., Western Mich. Univ., Kalamazoo, Mich., 1968) 77-82 (1969) MR 250917 |
20 problems (10 solved) |
Problems and results in chromatic graph theory Proof Techniques in Graph Theory (Proc. Second Ann Arbor Graph Theory Conf., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1968) 27-35 (1969) MR 252273 |
6 problems (0 solved) |
Some extremal problems in combinatorial number theory Mathematical Essays Dedicated to A. J. Macintyre 123-133 (1970) MR 276194 |
2 problems (1 solved) |
Some extremal problems in graph theory Combinatorial theory and its applications, I-III (Proc. Colloq., Balatonfüred, 1969) 377-390 (1970) MR 300924 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some applications of graph theory to number theory Proc. Second Chapel Hill Conf. on Combinatorial Mathematics and its Applications (Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C., 1970) 136-145 (1970) MR 266845 |
6 problems (2 solved) |
Some problems in additive number theory Amer. Math. Monthly 619-621 (1970) MR 268141 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems in combinatorial set theory Combinatorial Structures and their Applications (Proc. Calgary Internat. Conf., Calgary, Alta., 1969) 97-100 (1970) MR 263640 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results in finite and infinite combinatorial analysis Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 115-124 (1970) MR 263675 |
1 problem (0 solved) |
Some unsolved problems in graph theory and combinatorial analysis Combinatorial Mathematics and its Applications (Proc. Conf., Oxford, 1969) 97-109 (1971) MR 0277392 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results in combinatorial analysis Combinatorics (Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol. XIX, Univ. California, Los Angeles, Calif., 1968) 77-89 (1971) MR 432462 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Unsolved problems in set theory Axiomatic Set Theory (Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol. XIII, Part I, Univ. California, Los Angeles, Calif., 1967) 17-48 (1971) MR 280381 |
9 problems (3 solved) |
Extremal problems in number theory Proceedings of the 1972 Number Theory Conference (Univ. Colorado, Boulder, Colo.) 80-86 (1972) MR 392900 |
61 problems (25 solved) |
Problems and results on combinatorial number theory A survey of combinatorial theory (Proc. Internat. Sympos., Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, Colo., 1971) 117-138 (1973) MR 0360509 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
R\'{E}sultats et probl\'{E}mes en th\'{E}orie des nombres S\'{E}minaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou (14e ann\'{E}e: 1972/73), Th\'{E}orie des nombres, Fasc. 2 Exp. No. 24, 7 (1973) MR 396376 |
22 problems (4 solved) |
Remarks on some problems in number theory Math. Balkanica 197-202 (1974) MR 429704 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Extremal problems on graphs and hypergraphs 75-84 (1974) MR 360350 |
8 problems (3 solved) |
Unsolved Problems 278-297 (1974) MR 360350 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Unsolved and solved problems in set theory Proceedings of the Tarski Symposium (Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol. XXV, Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif., 1971) 269-287 (1974) MR 357122 |
2 problems (1 solved) |
Some recent progress on extremal problems in graph theory Congr. Numer. 3-14 (1975) |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results in combinatorial number theory Journ\'{E}es Arithm\'{E}tiques de Bordeaux (Conf., Univ. Bordeaux, Bordeaux, 1974) 295-310 (1975) MR 0374075 |
2 problems (1 solved) |
Problems and results on finite and infinite graphs Recent advances in graph theory (Proc. Second Czechoslovak Sympos., Prague, 1974) 183-192. (loose errata) (1975) MR 389669 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results on finite and infinite combinatorial analysis Infinite and finite sets (Colloq., Keszthely, 1973; dedicated to P. Erdős on his 60th birthday), Vols. I, II, III 403-424 (1975) MR 389607 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
On some problems of elementary and combinatorial geometry Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 99-108 (1975) MR 411984 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results on Diophantine approximations. II R\'{E}partition modulo 1 (Actes Colloq., Marseille-Luminy, 1974) 89-99 (1975) MR 412138 |
3 problems (0 solved) |
Some problems on elementary geometry Austral. Math. Soc. Gaz. 2-3 (1975) |
3 problems (2 solved) |
Problems and results in combinatorial analysis Colloquio Internazionale sulle Teorie Combinatorie (Roma, 1973), Tomo II 3-17 (1976) MR 0465878 |
3 problems (2 solved) |
Problems and results in graph theory and combinatorial analysis Proceedings of the Fifth British Combinatorial Conference (Univ. Aberdeen, Aberdeen, 1975) 169-192 (1976) MR 409246 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some recent problems and results in graph theory, combinatorics and number theory Proceedings of the Seventh Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing (Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, La., 1976) 3-14 (1976) MR 422031 |
22 problems (2 solved) |
Problems and results on number theoretic properties of consecutive integers and related questions Proceedings of the Fifth Manitoba Conference on Numerical Mathematics (Univ. Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man., 1975) 25-44 (1976) MR 422146 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results on consecutive integers Publ. Math. Debrecen 271-282 (1976) MR 453671 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Extremal problems on polynomials Approximation theory, II (Proc. Internat. Sympos., Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex., 1976) 347-355 (1976) MR 477003 |
2 problems (2 solved) |
Problems and results on combinatorial number theory. II J. Indian Math. Soc. (N.S.) 285-298 (1976) MR 444552 |
1 problem (1 solved) |
Problems in number theory and combinatorics Proceedings of the Sixth Manitoba Conference on Numerical Mathematics (Univ. Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man., 1976) 35-58 (1977) MR 532690 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results in combinatorial analysis Proceedings of the Eighth Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing (Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, La., 1977) 3-12 (1977) MR 542437 |
1 problem (0 solved) |
Problems and results on combinatorial number theory. III Number theory day (Proc. Conf., Rockefeller Univ., New York, 1976) 43-72 (1977) MR 472752 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Probl\'{E}mes extr\'{E}maux et combinatoires en th\'{E}orie des nombres S\'{E}minaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou, 17e ann\'{E}e: 1975/76, Th\'{E}orie des nombres: Fasc. 2 Exp. No. G7, 5 (1977) MR 554189 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results in combinatorial analysis and combinatorial number theory Proceedings of the Ninth Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing (Florida Atlantic Univ., Boca Raton, Fla., 1978) 29-40 (1978) MR 527930 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results in graph theory and combinatorial analysis Probl\'{E}mes combinatoires et th\'{E}orie des graphes (Colloq. Internat. CNRS, Univ. Orsay, Orsay, 1976) 127-129 (1978) MR 539958 |
3 problems (1 solved) |
Some more problems on elementary geometry Austral. Math. Soc. Gaz. 52-54 (1978) MR 509363 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Set-theoretic, measure-theoretic, combinatorial, and
number-theoretic problems concerning point sets in Euclidean
space Real Anal. Exchange 113-138 (1978/79) MR 533932 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some extremal problems on families of graphs and related problems Combinatorial mathematics (Proc. Internat. Conf. Combinatorial Theory, Australian Nat. Univ., Canberra, 1977) 13-21 (1978) MR 526725 |
2 problems (0 solved) |
On some unusual nonconventional problems in additive number
theory Mat. Lapok 9-14 (1978/82) MR 734602 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some solved and unsolved problems in combinatorial number
theory Math. Slovaca 407-421 (1978) MR 534819 |
3 problems (0 solved) |
Some number theoretic problems on binomial coefficients Austral. Math. Soc. Gaz. 97-99 (1978) MR 519358 |
18 problems (7 solved) |
Some unconventional problems in number theory Math. Mag. 67-70 (1979) MR 527408 |
1 problem (0 solved) |
Problems and results in graph theory and combinatorial analysis Graph theory and related topics (Proc. Conf., Univ. Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., 1977) 153-163 (1979) MR 538043 |
1 problem (0 solved) |
Old and new problems in combinatorial analysis and graph theory Second International Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics (New York, 1978) 177-187 (1979) MR 556022 |
18 problems (1 solved) |
Some unconventional problems in number theory Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 71-80 (1979) MR 515121 |
16 problems (5 solved) |
Some unconventional problems in number theory Ast\'{E}risque 73-82 (1979) MR 556666 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Combinatorial problems in geometry and number theory Relations between combinatorics and other parts of mathematics (Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio, 1978) 149-162 (1979) MR 525325 |
1 problem (1 solved) |
Some old and new problems in various branches of combinatorics Proceedings of the Tenth Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing (Florida Atlantic Univ., Boca Raton, Fla., 1979) 19-37 (1979) MR 561032 |
28 problems (11 solved) |
Old and new problems and results in combinatorial number theory: van der Waerden's theorem and related topics Enseign. Math. 325-344 (1979) MR 0570317 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
A survey of problems in combinatorial number theory Ann. Discrete Math. 89-115 (1980) MR 593525 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results in number theory and graph theory Proceedings of the Ninth Manitoba Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Computing (Univ. Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man., 1979) 3-21 (1980) MR 593699 |
4 problems (3 solved) |
Nine little known problems in combinatorial number theory Normat 155-164, 180 (1980) MR 597617 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some combinational problems in geometry Geometry and differential geometry (Proc. Conf., Univ. Haifa, Haifa, 1979) 46-53 (1980) MR 585852 |
293 problems (94 solved) |
Old and new problems and results in combinatorial number theory Monographies de L'Enseignement Mathematique (1980) MR 0592420 |
76 problems (33 solved) |
On the combinatorial problems which I would most like to see solved Combinatorica 25-42 (1981) MR 602413 |
1 problem (0 solved) |
My Scottish Book 'Problems' The Scottish Book 35-43 (1981) |
6 problems (1 solved) |
Some new problems and results in graph theory and other branches of combinatorial mathematics Combinatorics and graph theory 9-17 (1981) MR 593525 |
1 problem (0 solved) |
Some applications of graph theory and combinatorial methods to number theory and geometry Algebraic methods in graph theory, Vol. I, II (Szeged, 1978) 137-148 (1981) MR 642037 |
1 problem (0 solved) |
Problems and results in graph theory The theory and applications of graphs (Kalamazoo, Mich., 1980) 331-341 (1981) MR 634537 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results on finite and infinite combinatorial
analysis. II Enseign. Math. (2) 163-176 (1981) MR 630965 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Many old and on some new problems of mine in number theory Congr. Numer. 3-27 (1981) MR 635934 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some problems and results on additive and multiplicative
number theory Analytic number theory (Philadelphia, Pa., 1980) 171-182 (1981) MR 654526 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some new problems and results in graph theory and other
branches of combinatorial mathematics Combinatorics and graph theory (Calcutta, 1980) 9-17 (1981) MR 655605 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Solved and unsolved problems in combinatorics and
combinatorial number theory Congr. Numer. 49-62 (1981) MR 681869 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results in number theory Recent progress in analytic number theory, Vol. 1 (Durham, 1979) 1-13 (1981) MR 637339 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results on finite and infinite combinatorial analysis. II Logic and algorithmic (Zurich, 1980) 131-144 (1982) MR 648300 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results on block designs and set systems Congr. Numer. 3-16 (1982) MR 725865 |
3 problems (0 solved) |
Miscellaneous problems in number theory Congr. Numer. 25-45 (1982) MR 681700 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some new problems and results in number theory Number theory (Mysore, 1981) 50-74 (1982) MR 665438 |
58 problems (38 solved) |
Some of my favourite problems which recently have been solved 59--79 (1982) MR 690096 |
6 problems (1 solved) |
Some remarks and problems in number theory related to the work
of Euler Math. Mag. 292-298 (1983) MR 720650 |
1 problem (0 solved) |
On some of my conjectures in number theory and combinatorics Proceedings of the fourteenth Southeastern conference on combinatorics, graph theory and computing (Boca Raton, Fla., 1983) 3-19 (1983) MR 734525 |
17 problems (6 solved) |
Combinatorial problems in geometry Math. Chronicle 35-54 (1983) MR 706025 |
3 problems (1 solved) |
Some combinatorial, geometric and set theoretic problems in measure theory Measure Theory, Oberwolfach 1983: Proceedings of the Conference held at Oberwolfach, June 26-July 2, 1983 321-327 (1984) |
6 problems (3 solved) |
Research problems Period. Math. Hungar. 101-103 (1984) MR 1553627 |
2 problems (1 solved) |
On some problems in graph theory, combinatorial analysis and
combinatorial number theory Graph theory and combinatorics (Cambridge, 1983) 1-17 (1984) MR 777160 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some old and new problems in combinatorial geometry Convexity and graph theory (Jerusalem, 1981) 129-136 (1984) MR 791022 |
2 problems (1 solved) |
Extremal problems in number theory, combinatorics and
geometry Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Vol. 1, 2 (Warsaw, 1983) 51-70 (1984) MR 804676 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some new and old problems on chromatic graphs Combinatorics and applications (Calcutta, 1982) 118-126 (1984) MR 852032 |
8 problems (5 solved) |
Problems and results in combinatorial geometry Discrete geometry and convexity (New York, 1982) 1-11 (1985) MR 809186 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results on chromatic numbers in finite and infinite graphs Graph theory with applications to algorithms and computer science (Kalamazoo, Mich., 1984) 201-213 (1985) MR 812666 |
24 problems (5 solved) |
On some of my problems in number theory I would most like to see solved Number theory (Ootacamund, 1984) 74-84 (1985) MR 797781 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some of my old and new problems in elementary number theory
and geometry Proceedings of the Sundance conference on combinatorics and related topics (Sundance, Utah, 1985) 97-106 (1985) MR 833541 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some problems and results in number theory Number theory and combinatorics. Japan 1984 (Tokyo, Okayama and Kyoto, 1984) 65-87 (1985) MR 827779 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some solved and unsolved problems of mine in number theory Topics in analytic number theory (Austin, Tex., 1982) 59-75 (1985) MR 804242 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some problems on number theory Proceedings of the seventeenth Southeastern international conference on combinatorics, graph theory, and computing (Boca Raton, Fla., 1986) 225-244 (1986) MR 885283 |
18 problems (2 solved) |
Some problems on finite and infinite graphs Logic and combinatorics (Arcata, Calif., 1985) 223-228 (1987) MR 891250 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some combinatorial and metric problems in geometry Intuitive geometry (Siófok, 1985) 167-177 (1987) MR 910710 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results on minimal bases in additive number
theory Number theory (New York, 1984-1985) 87-96 (1987) MR 894505 |
7 problems (1 solved) |
Problems and results in combinatorial analysis and graph theory Discrete Math. 81-92 (1988) |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some old and new problems in combinatorial geometry Applications of discrete mathematics (Clemson, SC, 1986) 32-37 (1988) MR 974622 |
2 problems (0 solved) |
On the irrationality of certain series: problems and results New advances in transcendence theory (Durham, 1986) 102-109 (1988) MR 971997 |
3 problems (2 solved) |
Some Problems and Results on Combinatorial Number Theory Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 132-145 (1989) MR 1110810 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
On some problems and results in elementary number theory Sichuan Daxue Xuebao 1-6 (1989) MR 1059667 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results on extremal problems in number theory,
geometry, and combinatorics Proceedings of the 7th Fischland Colloquium, I (Wustrow, 1988) 6-14 (1989) MR 1050324 |
3 problems (1 solved) |
Some old and new problems on additive and combinatorial number
theory Combinatorial Mathematics: Proceedings of the Third International Conference (New York, 1985) 181-186 (1989) MR 1018622 |
50 problems (17 solved) |
Some of my favourite unsolved problems A tribute to Paul Erdős 467-478 (1990) MR 1117038 |
6 problems (1 solved) |
Problems and results on graphs and hypergraphs: similarities and differences Mathematics of Ramsey theory 12-28 (1990) MR 1083590 |
2 problems (2 solved) |
Some recent combinatorial problems Technical Report, University of Bielefeld (1990) |
0 problems (0 solved) |
On some of my favourite problems in graph theory and block designs Matematiche (Catania) 61-73 (1990) MR 1180999 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some of my old and new combinatorial problems Paths, flows, and VLSI-layout (Bonn, 1988) 35-45 (1990) MR 1083376 |
32 problems (10 solved) |
Problems and results in combinatorial analysis and combinatorial number theory Graph theory, combinatorics, and applications, Vol. 1 (Kalamazoo, MI, 1988) 397-406 (1991) MR 1170793 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results on polynomials and interpolation Approximation theory (Kecskem\'{E}t, 1990) 253-261 (1991) MR 1211436 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
On some unsolved problems in elementary geometry Mat. Lapok (N.S.) 1-10 (1992) MR 1273073 |
19 problems (8 solved) |
Some of my favourite problems in various branches of combinatorics Matematiche (Catania) 231-240 (1992) MR 1275857 |
34 problems (6 solved) |
Some of my forgotten problems in number theory Hardy-Ramanujan J. 34-50 (1992) MR 1215590 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
On some of my favourite problems in various branches of
combinatorics Fourth Czechoslovakian Symposium on Combinatorics, Graphs and Complexity (Prachatice, 1990) 69-79 (1992) MR 1206246 |
5 problems (3 solved) |
Some of my favorite solved and unsolved problems in graph
theory Quaestiones Math. 333-350 (1993) MR 1254162 |
6 problems (4 solved) |
Some problems and results in cochromatic theory Quo vadis, graph theory? 261-264 (1993) MR 1217997 |
2 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results on set systems and hypergraphs Extremal problems for finite sets (Visegr\'{A}d, 1991) 217-227 (1994) MR 1319165 |
28 problems (9 solved) |
Some problems in number theory, combinatorics and combinatorial geometry Math. Pannon. 261-269 (1994) MR 1304854 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Problems and results in discrete mathematics Discrete Math. 53-73 (1994) MR 1313281 |
72 problems (26 solved) |
Some of my favourite problems in number theory, combinatorics, and geometry Resenhas 165-186 (1995) MR 1370501 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some of my recent problems in combinatorial number theory, geometry and combinatorics Graph theory, combinatorics, and algorithms, Vol. 1, 2 (Kalamazoo, MI, 1992) 335-349 (1995) MR 1405821 |
10 problems (5 solved) |
Some problems in number theory Octogon Math. Mag. 3-5 (1995) MR 1374981 |
13 problems (4 solved) |
On some problems in combinatorial set theory Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) (N.S.) 61-65 (1995) MR 1387354 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some old and new problems in approximation theory: research problems 95-1 Constr. Approx. 419-421 (1995) MR 1350678 |
1 problem (1 solved) |
Extremal problems in combinatorial geometry Handbook of combinatorics, Vol. 1, 2 809-874 (1995) MR 1373673 |
0 problems (0 solved) |
Some of my favourite problems on cycles and colourings Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 7-9 (1996) MR 1402943 |
13 problems (6 solved) |
Some problems I presented or planned to present in my short
talk Analytic number theory, Vol. 1 (Allerton Park, IL, 1995) 333-335 (1996) MR 1399346 |
20 problems (7 solved) |
Problems in number theory New Zealand J. Math. 155-160 (1997) MR 1601631 |
24 problems (12 solved) |
Some old and new problems in various branches of combinatorics Discrete Math. 227-231 (1997) MR 1439273 |
53 problems (18 solved) |
Some of my favorite problems and results The mathematics of Paul Erdős, I 47-67 (1997) MR 1425174 |
20 problems (8 solved) |
Some recent problems and results in graph theory Discrete Math. 81-85 (1997) MR 1432220 |
47 problems (11 solved) |
Some of my favourite unsolved problems Math. Japon. 527-537 (1997) MR 1487304 |
37 problems (10 solved) |
Some unsolved problems Combinatorics, geometry and probability (Cambridge, 1993) 1-10 (1997) MR 1476428 |
29 problems (9 solved) |
Some of my new and almost new problems and results in combinatorial number theory Number theory (Eger, 1996) 169-180 (1998) MR 1628841 |
12 problems (1 solved) |
A selection of problems and results in combinatorics Combin. Probab. Comput. 1-6 (1999) MR 1684620 |