Every graph with chromatic number $\aleph_1$ contains all sufficiently large odd cycles (which have chromatic number $3$), see [594]. This was proved by Erdős, Hajnal, and Shelah [EHS74]. Erdős wrote [Er87] that 'probably' every graph with chromatic number $\aleph_1$ contains as subgraphs all graphs with chromatic number $4$ with sufficiently large girth.
Rödl [Ro82] has proved this for hypergraphs, and also proved there is such a graph (with chromatic number $\aleph_0$) if $f(n)=\epsilon n$ for any fixed constant $\epsilon>0$.
It is open even for $f(n)=\sqrt{n}$. Erdős offered \$500 for a proof but only \$250 for a counterexample. This fails (even with $f(n)\gg n$) if the graph has chromatic number $\aleph_1$ (see [111]).
Estimate $f_c(n)$. In particular, is it true that $f_c(n)>n^{\epsilon}$ for some $\epsilon>0$? Or $f_c(n)\gg \log n$?
Edwards (unpublished) and Khadziivanov and Nikiforov [KhNi79] proved independently that $f_c(n) \geq n/6$ when $c>1/4$ (see [905]).
Fox and Loh [FoLo12] proved that \[f_c(n) \leq n^{O(1/\log\log n)}\] for all $c<1/4$, disproving the first conjecture of Erdős.
The best known lower bounds for $f_c(n)$ are those from Szemerédi's regularity lemma, and as such remain very poor.
See also [600] and the entry in the graphs problem collection.
A theorem of de Bruijn and Erdős [dBEr51] implies that, if $G$ has infinite chromatic number, then $G$ has a finite subgraph of chromatic number $n$ for every $n\geq 1$.
In [Er95d] Erdős suggests this is true, although such an $F$ must grow faster than the $k$-fold iterated exponential function for any $k$.
What is the behaviour of $h_G(n)$? Is it true that $h_G(n)/n\to \infty$ for every graph $G$ with chromatic number $\aleph_1$?
On the other hand, Erdős, Hajnal, and Szemerédi proved that there is a $G$ with chromatic number $\aleph_1$ such that $h_G(n)\ll n^{3/2}$. In [Er81] Erdős conjectured that this can be improved to $\ll n^{1+\epsilon}$ for every $\epsilon>0$.
See also [74].
The answer is no, as independently shown by Schipperus [Sc99] (published in [Sc10]) and Darby [Da99].
For example, Larson [La00] has shown that this is false when $\alpha=\omega^{\omega^2}$ and $n=5$. There is more background and proof sketches in Chapter 2.9 of [HST10], by Hajnal and Larson.
The first open case is $\beta=\omega^2$ (see [591]). Galvin and Larson [GaLa74] have shown that if $\beta\geq 3$ has this property then $\beta$ must be 'additively indecomposable', so that in particular $\beta=\omega^\gamma$ for some $\gamma<\omega_1$. Galvin and Larson conjecture that every $\beta\geq 3$ of this form has this property.
See also [590].
Whether this is true for $G_1=K_4$ and $G_2=K_3$ is the content of [595].
This was proved by Aharoni and Berger [AhBe09].
In [Er82e] Erdős offers \$250 for showing what happens when $\alpha=\omega_1^{\omega+2}$ and \$500 for settling the general case.
Larson [La90] proved this is true for all $\alpha<2^{\aleph_0}$ assuming Martin's axiom.