Estimate $\tau(G)$. In particular, is it true that if $G$ has $n$ vertices then \[\tau(G) \leq n-c\sqrt{n\log n}\] for some absolute constant $c>0$?
Estimate $\tau(G)$. In particular, is it true that if $G$ has $n$ vertices then \[\tau(G) \leq n-c\sqrt{n\log n}\] for some absolute constant $c>0$?
This would be best possible, since there exist triangle-free graphs with all independent sets of size $O(\sqrt{n\log n})$, which follows from the lower bound for $R(3,k)$ by Kim [Ki95] (see [165]).
Indeed, Erdős, Gallai, and Tuza speculate that if $f(n)$ is the largest $k$ such that every triangle-free graph on $n$ vertices contains an independent set on $f(n)$ vertices, then $\tau(G)\leq n-f(n)$.
In [Er94] and [Er99] Erdős asks for a weaker upper bound $\tau(G) \leq n-\omega(n)\sqrt{n}$ for any $\omega(n)\to \infty$.
See also [611], this entry and and this entry in the graphs problem collection.
Is it true that if all maximal cliques in $G$ have at least $cn$ vertices then $\tau(G)=o_c(n)$?
Similarly, estimate for $c>0$ the minimal $k_c(n)$ such that if every maximal clique in $G$ has at least $k_c(n)$ vertices then $\tau(G)<(1-c)n$.
See also [610] and the entry in the graphs problem collection.
Determine the best possible $t$ such that, if $G$ is an $r$-uniform hypergraph $G$ where every subgraph $G'$ on at most $3r-3$ vertices has $\tau(G')\leq 1$, we have $\tau(G)\leq t$.
Erdős, Gyárfás, and Ruszinkó [EGR98] proved that if $G$ has no isolated vertices and maximum degree $O(1)$ then $h_2(G)\ll n\log n$.
Alon has observed this problem is essentially identical to [134], and his solution in this note also solves this problem in the affirmative.
See also [619].
Is it true that there exists a constant $c>0$ such that if $G$ is a connected graph on $n$ vertices then $h_4(G)<(1-c)n$?
If we omit the condition that the graph must remain triangle-free then Alon, Gyárfás, and Ruszinkó [AGR00] have proved that adding $n/2$ edges always suffices to obtain diameter at most $4$.
It is now known that $f(n)=n^{1/2+o(1)}$. Bollobás and Hind [BoHi91] proved \[n^{1/2} \ll f(n) \ll n^{7/10+o(1)}.\] Krivelevich [Kr94] improved this to \[n^{1/2}(\log\log n)^{1/2} \ll f(n) \ll n^{2/3}(\log n)^{1/3}.\] Wolfovitz [Wo13] proved \[f(n) \ll n^{1/2}(\log n)^{120}.\]
Is it true that \[\alpha_1(G)+\tau_1(G) \leq \frac{n^2}{4}?\]
For this weaker statement, Erdős and Gyárfás conjectured the stronger form that if $\lvert X\rvert=2^k$ then, for any $f:\{A : A\subseteq X\}\to X$, there must exist some $Y\subset X$ of size $k$ such that \[\#\{ f(A) : A\subseteq Y\}< 2^k-k^C\] for every $C$ (with $k$ sufficiently large depending on $C$). This was proved by Alon (personal communication), who proved the stronger version that, for any $\epsilon>0$, if $k$ is large enough, there must exist some $Y$ of size $k$ such that \[\#\{ f(A) : A\subseteq Y\}<(1-\epsilon)2^k.\] Alon also proved that, provided $k$ is large enough, if $\lvert X\rvert=2^k$ there exists some $f:\{A: A\subseteq X\}\to X$ such that, if $Y\subset X$ with $\lvert Y\rvert=k$, then \[\#\{ f(A) : A\subseteq Y\}>\tfrac{1}{4}2^k.\]