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32 solved out of 85 shown (show only solved or open)
OPEN - $500
If $A\subseteq \{1,\ldots,N\}$ with $\lvert A\rvert=n$ is such that the subset sums $\sum_{a\in S}a$ are distinct for all $S\subseteq A$ then \[N \gg 2^{n}.\]
Erdős called this 'perhaps my first serious problem' (in [Er98] he dates it to 1931). The powers of $2$ show that $2^n$ would be best possible here. The trivial lower bound is $N \gg 2^{n}/n$, since all $2^n$ distinct subset sums must lie in $[0,Nn)$. Erdős and Moser [Er56] proved \[ N\geq (\tfrac{1}{4}-o(1))\frac{2^n}{\sqrt{n}}.\] (In [Er85c] Erdős offered \$100 for any improvement of the constant $1/4$ here.)

A number of improvements of the constant have been given (see [St23] for a history), with the current record $\sqrt{2/\pi}$ first proved in unpublished work of Elkies and Gleason. Two proofs achieving this constant are provided by Dubroff, Fox, and Xu [DFX21], who in fact prove the exact bound $N\geq \binom{n}{\lfloor n/2\rfloor}$.

In [Er73] and [ErGr80] the generalisation where $A\subseteq (0,N]$ is a set of real numbers such that the subset sums all differ by at least $1$ is proposed, with the same conjectured bound. (The second proof of [DFX21] applies also to this generalisation.)

This problem appears in Erdős' book with Spencer [ErSp74] in the final chapter titled 'The kitchen sink'. As Ruzsa writes in [Ru99] "it is a rich kitchen where such things go to the sink".

The sequence of minimal $N$ for a given $n$ is A276661 in the OEIS.

See also [350].

Additional thanks to: Zach Hunter and Ralf Stephan
OPEN - $5000
If $A\subseteq \mathbb{N}$ has $\sum_{n\in A}\frac{1}{n}=\infty$ then must $A$ contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions?
This is essentially asking for good bounds on $r_k(N)$, the size of the largest subset of $\{1,\ldots,N\}$ without a non-trivial $k$-term arithmetic progression. For example, a bound like \[r_k(N) \ll_k \frac{N}{(\log N)(\log\log N)^2}\] would be sufficient.

Even the case $k=3$ is non-trivial, but was proved by Bloom and Sisask [BlSi20]. Much better bounds for $r_3(N)$ were subsequently proved by Kelley and Meka [KeMe23]. Green and Tao [GrTa17] proved $r_4(N)\ll N/(\log N)^{c}$ for some small constant $c>0$. Gowers [Go01] proved \[r_k(N) \ll \frac{N}{(\log\log N)^{c_k}},\] where $c_k>0$ is a small constant depending on $k$. The current best bounds for general $k$ are due to Leng, Sah, and Sawhney [LSS24], who show that \[r_k(N) \ll \frac{N}{\exp((\log\log N)^{c_k})}\] for some constant $c_k>0$ depending on $k$.

Curiously, Erdős [Er83c] thought this conjecture was the 'only way to approach' the conjecture that there are arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions of prime numbers, now a theorem due to Green and Tao [GrTa08] (see [219]).

In [Er81] Erdős makes the stronger conjecture that \[r_k(N) \ll_C\frac{N}{(\log N)^C}\] for every $C>0$ (now known for $k=3$ due to Kelley and Meka [KeMe23]) - see [140].

See also [139] and [142].

Let $A\subseteq \mathbb{N}$. Let $B\subseteq \mathbb{N}$ be the set of integers which are representable in exactly one way as the sum of two elements from $A$.

Is it true that for all $\epsilon>0$ and large $N$ \[\lvert \{1,\ldots,N\}\backslash B\rvert \gg_\epsilon N^{1/2-\epsilon}.\] Is it true that \[\lvert \{1,\ldots,N\}\backslash B\rvert =o(N^{1/2})?\]

Apparently originally considered by Erdős and Nathanson, although later Erdős attributes this to Erdős, Sárközy, and Szemerédi (but gives no reference), and claims a construction of an $A$ such that for all $\epsilon>0$ and all large $N$ \[\lvert \{1,\ldots,N\}\backslash B\rvert \ll_\epsilon N^{1/2+\epsilon},\] and yet there for all $\epsilon>0$ there exist infinitely many $N$ where \[\lvert \{1,\ldots,N\}\backslash B\rvert \gg_\epsilon N^{1/3-\epsilon}.\]

Erdös and Freud investigated the finite analogue in 'a recent Hungarian paper', proving that there exists $A\subseteq \{1,\ldots,N\}$ such that the number of integers not representable in exactly one way as the sum of two elements from $A$ is $<2^{3/2}N^{1/2}$, and suggest the constant $2^{3/2}$ is perhaps best possible.

OPEN - $1000
Let $h(N)$ be the maximum size of a Sidon set in $\{1,\ldots,N\}$. Is it true that, for every $\epsilon>0$, \[h(N) = N^{1/2}+O_\epsilon(N^\epsilon)?\]
A problem of Erdős and Turán. It may even be true that $h(N)=N^{1/2}+O(1)$, but Erdős remarks this is perhaps too optimistic. Erdős and Turán [ErTu41] proved an upper bound of $N^{1/2}+O(N^{1/4})$, with an alternative proof by Lindström [Li69]. Both proofs in fact give \[h(N) \leq N^{1/2}+N^{1/4}+1.\] Balogh, Füredi, and Roy [BFR21] improved the bound in the error term to $0.998N^{1/4}$, which has been further optimised by O'Bryant [OB22] to yield \[h(N)\leq N^{1/2}+0.99703N^{1/4}\] for sufficiently large $N$.

See also [241] and [840].

Additional thanks to: Zach Hunter
Find the optimal constant $c>0$ such that the following holds.

For all sufficiently large $N$, if $A\sqcup B=\{1,\ldots,2N\}$ is a partition into two equal parts, so that $\lvert A\rvert=\lvert B\rvert=N$, then there is some $x$ such that the number of solutions to $a-b=x$ with $a\in A$ and $b\in B$ is at least $cN$.

The minimum overlap problem. The example (with $N$ even) $A=\{N/2+1,\ldots,3N/2\}$ shows that $c\leq 1/2$ (indeed, Erdős initially conjectured that $c=1/2$). The lower bound of $c\geq 1/4$ is trivial, and Scherk improved this to $1-1/\sqrt{2}=0.29\cdots$. The current records are \[0.379005 < c < 0.380926\cdots,\] the lower bound due to White [Wh22] and the upper bound due to Haugland [Ha16].
We say that $A\subset \mathbb{N}$ is an essential component if $d_s(A+B)>d_s(B)$ for every $B\subset \mathbb{N}$ with $0<d_s(B)<1$ where $d_s$ is the Schnirelmann density.

Can a lacunary set $A\subset\mathbb{N}$ be an essential component?

The answer is no by Ruzsa [Ru87], who proved that if $A$ is an essential component then there exists some constant $c>0$ such that $\lvert A\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert \geq (\log N)^{1+c}$ for all large $N$.
OPEN - $500
Is there an infinite Sidon set $A\subset \mathbb{N}$ such that \[\lvert A\cap \{1\ldots,N\}\rvert \gg_\epsilon N^{1/2-\epsilon}\] for all $\epsilon>0$?
The trivial greedy construction achieves $\gg N^{1/3}$. The current best bound of $\gg N^{\sqrt{2}-1+o(1)}$ is due to Ruzsa [Ru98]. (Erdős [Er73] had offered \$25 for any construction which achieves $N^{c}$ for some $c>1/3$.) Erdős proved that for every infinite Sidon set $A$ we have \[\liminf \frac{\lvert A\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert}{N^{1/2}}=0,\] and also that there is a set $A\subset \mathbb{N}$ with $\lvert A\cap \{1\ldots,N\}\rvert \gg_\epsilon N^{1/2-\epsilon}$ such that $1_A\ast 1_A(n)=O(1)$.

Erdős and Rényi have constructed, for any $\epsilon>0$, a set $A$ such that \[\lvert A\cap \{1\ldots,N\}\rvert \gg_\epsilon N^{1/2-\epsilon}\] for all large $N$ and $1_A\ast 1_A(n)\ll_\epsilon 1$ for all $n$.

OPEN - $500
Let $A\subset\mathbb{N}$ be an infinite set such that the triple sums $a+b+c$ are all distinct for $a,b,c\in A$ (aside from the trivial coincidences). Is it true that \[\liminf \frac{\lvert A\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert}{N^{1/3}}=0?\]
Erdős proved that if the pairwise sums $a+b$ are all distinct aside from the trivial coincidences then \[\liminf \frac{\lvert A\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert}{N^{1/2}}=0.\]
Additional thanks to: Zachary Chase
Let $M\geq 1$ and $N$ be sufficiently large in terms of $M$. Is it true that for every maximal Sidon set $A\subset \{1,\ldots,N\}$ there is another Sidon set $B\subset \{1,\ldots,N\}$ of size $M$ such that $(A-A)\cap(B-B)=\{0\}$?
OPEN - $100
If $A,B\subset \{1,\ldots,N\}$ are two Sidon sets such that $(A-A)\cap(B-B)=\{0\}$ then is it true that \[ \binom{\lvert A\rvert}{2}+\binom{\lvert B\rvert}{2}\leq\binom{f(N)}{2}+O(1),\] where $f(N)$ is the maximum possible size of a Sidon set in $\{1,\ldots,N\}$? If $\lvert A\rvert=\lvert B\rvert$ then can this bound be improved to \[\binom{\lvert A\rvert}{2}+\binom{\lvert B\rvert}{2}\leq (1-c)\binom{f(N)}{2}\] for some constant $c>0$?
Let $N\geq 1$ and $A\subset \{1,\ldots,N\}$ be a Sidon set. Is it true that, for any $\epsilon>0$, there exist $M=M(\epsilon)$ and $B\subset \{N+1,\ldots,M\}$ such that $A\cup B\subset \{1,\ldots,M\}$ is a Sidon set of size at least $(1-\epsilon)M^{1/2}$?
See also [707].
OPEN - $250
Let $A$ be a finite set of integers. Is it true that for every $\epsilon>0$ \[\max( \lvert A+A\rvert,\lvert AA\rvert)\gg_\epsilon \lvert A\rvert^{2-\epsilon}?\]
The sum-product problem. Erdős and Szemerédi [ErSz83] proved a lower bound of $\lvert A\rvert^{1+c}$ for some constant $c>0$, and an upper bound of \[\lvert A\rvert^2 \exp\left(-c\frac{\log\lvert A\rvert}{\log\log \lvert A\rvert}\right)\] for some constant $c>0$. The lower bound has been improved a number of times. The current record is \[\max( \lvert A+A\rvert,\lvert AA\rvert)\gg\lvert A\rvert^{\frac{1558}{1167}-o(1)}\] due to Rudnev and Stevens [RuSt22] (note $1558/1167=1.33504\cdots$).

There is likely nothing special about the integers in this question, and indeed Erdős and Szemerédi also ask a similar question about finite sets of real or complex numbers. The current best bound for sets of reals is the same bound of Rudnev and Stevens above. The best bound for complex numbers is \[\max( \lvert A+A\rvert,\lvert AA\rvert)\gg\lvert A\rvert^{\frac{5}{4}},\] due to Solymosi [So05].

One can in general ask this question in any setting where addition and multiplication are defined (once one avoids any trivial obstructions such as zero divisors or finite subfields). For example, it makes sense for subsets of finite fields. The current record is that if $A\subseteq \mathbb{F}_p$ with $\lvert A\rvert <p^{5/8}$ then \[\max( \lvert A+A\rvert,\lvert AA\rvert)\gg\lvert A\rvert^{\frac{11}{9}+o(1)},\] due to Rudnev, Shakan, and Shkredov [RSS20].

There is also a natural generalisation to higher-fold sum and product sets. For example, in [ErSz83] (and in [Er91]) Erdős and Szemerédi also conjecture that for any $m\geq 2$ and finite set of integers $A$ \[\max( \lvert mA\rvert,\lvert A^m\rvert)\gg \lvert A\rvert^{m-o(1)}.\] See [53] for more on this generalisation and [808] for a stronger form of the original conjecture. See also [818] for a special case.

Additional thanks to: Akshat Mudgal
Let $A$ be a finite set of integers. Is it true that, for every $k$, if $\lvert A\rvert$ is sufficiently large depending on $k$, then there are least $\lvert A\rvert^k$ many integers which are either the sum or product of distinct elements of $A$?
Asked by Erdős and Szemerédi [ErSz83]. Solved in this form by Chang [Ch03].

Erdős and Szemerédi proved that there exist arbitrarily large sets $A$ such that the integers which are the sum or product of distinct elements of $A$ is at most \[\exp\left(c (\log \lvert A\rvert)^2\log\log\lvert A\rvert\right)\] for some constant $c>0$.

See also [52].

Any $A\subseteq \mathbb{N}$ of positive upper density contains a sumset $B+C$ where both $B$ and $C$ are infinite.
The Erdős sumset conjecture. Proved by Moreira, Richter, and Robertson [MRR19].
Additional thanks to: Antonio Girao
Let the van der Waerden number $W(k)$ be such that whenever $N\geq W(k)$ and $\{1,\ldots,N\}$ is $2$-coloured there must exist a monochromatic $k$-term arithmetic progression. Improve the bounds for $W(k)$ - for example, prove that $W(k)^{1/k}\to \infty$.
When $p$ is prime Berlekamp [Be68] has proved $W(p+1)\geq p2^p$. Gowers [Go01] has proved \[W(k) \leq 2^{2^{2^{2^{2^{k+9}}}}}.\]

In [Er81] Erdős further asks whether $W(k+1)/W(k)\to \infty$, or $W(k+1)-W(k)\to \infty$.

SOLVED - $1000
Let $r_k(N)$ be the size of the largest subset of $\{1,\ldots,N\}$ which does not contain a non-trivial $k$-term arithmetic progression. Prove that $r_k(N)=o(N)$.
A conjecture of Erdős and Turán. Proved by Szemerédi [Sz74]. The best known bounds are due to Kelley and Meka [KeMe23] for $k=3$ (with further slight improvements in [BlSi23]), Green and Tao [GrTa17] for $k=4$, and Leng, Sah, and Sawhney [LSS24] for $k\geq 5$.

See also [3].

Additional thanks to: Zachary Chase
SOLVED - $500
Let $r_3(N)$ be the size of the largest subset of $\{1,\ldots,N\}$ which does not contain a non-trivial $3$-term arithmetic progression. Prove that $r_3(N)\ll N/(\log N)^C$ for every $C>0$.
Proved by Kelley and Meka [KeMe23]. In [ErGr80] and [Er81] it is conjectured that this holds for every $k$-term arithmetic progression.

See also [3].

Let $k\geq 3$. Are there $k$ consecutive primes in arithmetic progression?
Green and Tao [GrTa08] have proved that there must always exist some $k$ primes in arithmetic progression, but these need not be consecutive. Erdős called this conjecture 'completely hopeless at present'.

The existence of such progressions for small $k$ has been verified for $k\leq 10$, see the Wikipedia page. It is open, even for $k=3$, whether there are infinitely many such progressions.

See also [219].

Additional thanks to: Prakrish Acharya
OPEN - $10000
Let $r_k(N)$ be the largest possible size of a subset of $\{1,\ldots,N\}$ that does not contain any non-trivial $k$-term arithmetic progression. Prove an asymptotic formula for $r_k(N)$.
Erdős remarked this is 'probably unattackable at present'. In [Er97c] Erdős offered \$1000, but given that he elsewhere offered \$5000 just for (essentially) showing that $r_k(N)=o_k(N/\log N)$, that value seems odd. In [Er81] he offers \$10000, stating it is 'probably enormously difficult'.

The best known upper bounds for $r_k(N)$ are due to Kelley and Meka [KeMe23] for $k=3$, Green and Tao [GrTa17] for $k=4$, and Leng, Sah, and Sawhney [LSS24] for $k\geq 5$. An asymptotic formula is still far out of reach, even for $k=3$.

See also [3] and [139].

Additional thanks to: Zach Hunter
Let $F(N)$ be the size of the largest Sidon subset of $\{1,\ldots,N\}$. Is it true that for every $k\geq 1$ we have \[F(N+k)\leq F(N)+1\] for all sufficiently large $N$?
This may even hold with $k\approx \epsilon N^{1/2}$.
Let $h(N)$ be the smallest $k$ such that $\{1,\ldots,N\}$ can be coloured with $k$ colours so that every four-term arithmetic progression must contain at least three distinct colours. Estimate $h(N)$.
Investigated by Erdős and Freud. This has been discussed on MathOverflow, where LeechLattice shows \[h(N) \ll N^{2/3}.\] The observation of Zachary Hunter in that question coupled with the bounds of Kelley-Meka [KeMe23] imply that \[h(N) \gg \exp(c(\log N)^{1/12})\] for some $c>0$.
Additional thanks to: Zachary Hunter
Let $F(N)$ be the size of the largest subset of $\{1,\ldots,N\}$ which does not contain any set of the form $\{n,2n,3n\}$. What is \[ \lim_{N\to \infty}\frac{F(N)}{N}?\] Is this limit irrational?
This limit was proved to exist by Graham, Spencer, and Witsenhausen [GrSpWi77]. Similar questions can be asked for the density or upper density of infinite sets without such configurations.
Additional thanks to: Jonathan Chapman
Let $k\geq 3$ and $f(k)$ be the supremum of $\sum_{n\in A}\frac{1}{n}$ as $A$ ranges over all sets of positive integers which do not contain a $k$-term arithmetic progression. Estimate $f(k)$.

Is \[\lim_{k\to \infty}\frac{f(k)}{\log W(k)}=\infty\] where $W(k)$ is the van der Waerden number?

Gerver [Ge77] has proved \[f(k) \geq (1+o(1))k\log k.\] It is trivial that \[\frac{f(k)}{\log W(k)}\geq \frac{1}{2},\] but improving the right-hand side to any constant $>1/2$ is open.
Let $F(N)$ be the smallest possible size of $A\subset \{0,1,\ldots,N\}$ such that $\{0,1,\ldots,N\}\subset A-A$. Find the value of \[\lim_{N\to \infty}\frac{F(N)}{N^{1/2}}.\]
The Sparse Ruler problem. Rédei asked whether this limit exists, which was proved by Erdős and Gál [ErGa48]. Bounds on the limit were improved by Leech [Le56]. The limit is known to be in the interval $[1.56,\sqrt{3}]$. The lower bound is due to Leech [Le56], the upper bound is due to Wichmann [Wi63]. Computational evidence by Pegg [Pe20] suggests that the upper bound is the truth. A similar question can be asked without the restriction $A\subset \{0,1,\ldots,N\}$.
Is it true that for every $\epsilon>0$ and integer $t\geq 1$, if $N$ is sufficiently large and $A$ is a subset of $[t]^N$ of size at least $\epsilon t^N$ then $A$ must contain a combinatorial line $P$ (a set $P=\{p_1,\ldots,p_t\}$ where for each coordinate $1\leq j\leq t$ the $j$th coordinate of $p_i$ is either $i$ or constant).
The 'density Hales-Jewett' problem. This was proved by Furstenberg and Katznelson [FuKa91]. A new elementary proof, which gives quantitative bounds, was proved by the Polymath project [Po09].
Is it true that in any finite colouring of $\mathbb{N}$ there exist arbitrarily large finite $A$ such that all sums and products of distinct elements in $A$ are the same colour?
First asked by Hindman. Hindman [Hi80] has proved this is false (with 7 colours) if we ask for an infinite $A$.

Moreira [Mo17] has proved that in any finite colouring of $\mathbb{N}$ there exist $x,y$ such that $\{x,x+y,xy\}$ are all the same colour.

Alweiss [Al23] has proved that, in any finite colouring of $\mathbb{Q}\backslash \{0\}$ there exist arbitrarily large finite $A$ such that all sums and products of distinct elements in $A$ are the same colour. Bowen and Sabok [BoSa22] had proved this earlier for the first non-trivial case of $\lvert A\rvert=2$.

Additional thanks to: Ryan Alweiss
Let $N(k,\ell)$ be the minimal $N$ such that for any $f:\{1,\ldots,N\}\to\{-1,1\}$ there must exist a $k$-term arithmetic progression $P$ such that \[ \left\lvert \sum_{n\in P}f(n)\right\rvert\geq \ell.\] Find good upper bounds for $N(k,\ell)$. Is it true that for any $c>0$ there exists some $C>1$ such that \[N(k,ck)\leq C^k?\] What about \[N(k,2)\leq C^k\] or \[N(k,\sqrt{k})\leq C^k?\]
Spencer [Sp73] has proved that if $k=2^tm$ with $m$ odd then \[N(k,1)=2^t(k-1)+1.\] Erdős and Graham write that 'no decent bound' is known even for $N(k,2)$. Probabilistic methods imply that, for every fixed constant $c>0$, we have $N(k,ck)>C_c^k$ for some $C_c>1$.
Let $1\leq k<\ell$ be integers and define $F_k(N,\ell)$ to be minimal such that every set $A\subset \mathbb{N}$ of size $N$ which contains at least $F_k(N,\ell)$ many $k$-term arithmetic progressions must contain an $\ell$-term arithmetic progression. Find good upper bounds for $F_k(N,\ell)$. Is it true that \[F_3(N,4)=o(N^2)?\] Is it true that for every $\ell>3$ \[\lim_{N\to \infty}\frac{\log F_3(N,\ell)}{\log N}=2?\]
Erdős remarks the upper bound $o(N^2)$ is certainly false for $\ell >\epsilon \log N$. The answer is yes: Fox and Pohoata [FoPo20] have shown that, for all fixed $1\leq k<\ell$, \[F_k(N,\ell)=N^{2-o(1)}\] and in fact \[F_{k}(N,\ell) \leq \frac{N^2}{(\log\log N)^{C_\ell}}\] where $C_\ell>0$ is some constant. In fact, they show that, if $r_\ell(N)$ is the size of the largest subset of $\{1,\ldots,N\}$ without an $\ell$-term arithmetic progression then there exists some absolute constant $c>0$ such that \[\left(c \frac{r_\ell(N)}{N}\right)^{2(k-1)}N^2 < F_k(N,\ell) <\left(\frac{r_\ell(N)}{N}\right)^{O(1)}N^2.\] Any improved bounds for Szemerédi's theorem (see [139]) therefore yield improved bounds for $F_k(N,\ell)$. In particular, the bounds of Leng, Sah, and Sawhney [LSS24] imply \[F_k(N,\ell) \leq \frac{N^2}{\exp((\log\log N)^{c_\ell})}\] for some constant $c_\ell>0$.
Additional thanks to: Zach Hunter
Let $f_3(n)$ be the maximal size of a subset of $\{0,1,2\}^n$ which contains no three points on a line. Is it true that $f_3(n)=o(3^n)$?
Originally considered by Moser. It is trivial that $f_3(n)\geq R_3(3^n)$, the maximal size of a subset of $\{1,\ldots,3^n\}$ without a three-term arithmetic progression. Moser showed that \[f_3(n) \gg \frac{3^n}{\sqrt{n}}.\]

The answer is yes, which is a corollary of the density Hales-Jewett theorem, proved by Furstenberg and Katznelson [FuKa91].

Let $F(N)$ be the maximal size of $A\subseteq \{1,\ldots,N\}$ which is 'non-averaging', so that no $n\in A$ is the arithmetic mean of at least two elements in $A$. What is the order of growth of $F(N)$?
Originally due to Straus. It is known that \[N^{1/4}\ll F(N) \ll N^{1/4+o(1)}.\] The lower bound is due to Bosznay [Bo89] and the upper bound to Pham and Zakharov [PhZa24], improving an earlier bounds of Conlon, Fox, and Pham [CFP23]. The original upper bound of Erdős and Sárközy [ErSa90] was $\ll (N\log N)^{1/2}$).

See also [789].

Additional thanks to: Zachary Chase
Find the best function $f(d)$ such that, in any 2-colouring of the integers, at least one colour class contains an arithmetic progression with common difference $d$ of length $f(d)$ for infinitely many $d$.
Originally asked by Cohen. Erdős observed that colouring according to whether $\{ \sqrt{2}n\}<1/2$ or not implies $f(d) \ll d$ (using the fact that $\|\sqrt{2}q\| \gg 1/q$ for all $q$, where $\|x\|$ is the distance to the nearest integer). Beck [Be80] has improved this using the probabilistic method, constructing a colouring that shows $f(d)\leq (1+o(1))\log_2 d$. Van der Waerden's theorem implies $f(d)\to \infty$ is necessary.
Additional thanks to: Zach Hunter
Let $H(k)$ be the smallest $N$ such that in any finite colouring of $\{1,\ldots,N\}$ (into any number of colours) there is always either a monochromatic $k$-term arithmetic progression or a rainbow arithmetic progression (i.e. all elements are different colours). Estimate $H(k)$. Is it true that \[H(k)^{1/k}/k \to \infty\] as $k\to\infty$?
This type of problem belongs to 'canonical' Ramsey theory. The existence of $H(k)$ follows from Szemerédi's theorem, and it is easy to show that $H(k)^{1/k}\to\infty$.
If $A\subset \mathbb{N}$ is a Sidon set then must the complement of $A$ contain an infinite arithmetic progression?
The answer is yes, as shown by Baumgartner [Ba75].
Let $G_k(N)$ be such that any set of $N$ integers contains a subset of size at least $G_k(N)$ which does not contain a $k$-term arithmetic progression. Determine the size of $G_k(N)$. How does it relate to $R_k(N)$, the size of the largest subset of $\{1,\ldots,N\}$ without a $k$-term arithmetic progression? Is it true that \[\lim_{N\to \infty}\frac{R_3(N)}{G_3(N)}=1?\]
First asked and investigated by Riddell [Ri69]. It is trivial that $G_k(N)\leq R_k(N)$, and it is possible that $G_k(N) <R_k(N)$ (for example with $k=3$ and $N=14$). Komlós, Sulyok, and Szemerédi [KSS75] have shown that $R_k(N) \ll_k G_k(N)$.
Additional thanks to: Zachary Chase
Are there arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions of primes?
The answer is yes, proved by Green and Tao [GrTa08]. The stronger claim that there are arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions of consecutive primes is still open.

See also [3] and [141].

OPEN - $100
Let $f(N)$ be the maximum size of $A\subseteq \{1,\ldots,N\}$ such that the sums $a+b+c$ with $a,b,c\in A$ are all distinct (aside from the trivial coincidences). Is it true that \[ f(N)\sim N^{1/3}?\]
Originally asked to Erdős by Bose. Bose and Chowla [BoCh62] provided a construction proving one half of this, namely \[(1+o(1))N^{1/3}\leq f(N).\] The best upper bound known to date is due to Green [Gr01], \[f(N) \leq ((7/2)^{1/3}+o(1))N^{1/3}\] (note that $(7/2)^{1/3}\approx 1.519\cdots$).

More generally, Bose and Chowla conjectured that the maximum size of $A\subseteq \{1,\ldots,N\}$ with all $r$-fold sums distinct (aside from the trivial coincidences) then \[\lvert A\rvert \sim N^{1/r}.\] This is known only for $r=2$ (see [30]).

Additional thanks to: Cedric Pilatte
Let $A\subseteq \mathbb{N}$ be an infinite set such that $\lvert A\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert=o(N)$. Is it true that \[\limsup_{N\to \infty}\frac{\lvert (A+A)\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert}{\lvert A\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert}\geq 3?\]
Erdős writes it is 'easy to see' that this holds with $3$ replaced by $2$, and that $3$ would be best possible here. We do not see an easy argument that this holds with $2$, but this follows e.g. from the main result of Mann [Ma60].

The answer is yes, proved by Freiman [Fr73].

See also [899] for the difference set analogue.

Additional thanks to: Zachary Chase
For any $n$, let $A(n)=\{0<n<\cdots\}$ be the infinite sequence with $a_0=0$ and $a_1=n$, and for $k\geq 1$ we define $a_{k+1}$ as the least integer such that there is no three-term arithmetic progression in $\{a_0,\ldots,a_{k+1}\}$.

Can the $a_k$ be explicitly determined? How fast do they grow?

It is easy to see that $A(1)$ is the set of integers which have no 2 in their base 3 expansion. Odlyzko and Stanley have found similar characterisations are known for $A(3^k)$ and $A(2\cdot 3^k)$ for any $k\geq 0$, see [OdSt78], and conjectured in general that such a sequence always eventually either satisfies \[a_k\asymp k^{\log_23}\] or \[a_k \asymp \frac{k^2}{\log k}.\] There is no known sequence which satisfies the second growth rate, but Lindhurst [Li90] gives data which suggests that $A(4)$ has such growth ($A(4)$ is given as A005487 in the OEIS).

Moy [Mo11] has proved that, for all such sequences, for all $\epsilon>0$, $a_k\leq (\frac{1}{2}+\epsilon)k^2$ for all sufficiently large $k$.

In general, sequences which begin with some initial segment and thereafter are continued in a greedy fashion to avoid three-term arithmetic progressions are known as Stanley sequences.

Additional thanks to: Ralf Stephan
Let $N\geq 1$. What is the largest $t$ such that there are $A_1,\ldots,A_t\subseteq \{1,\ldots,N\}$ with $A_i\cap A_j$ a non-empty arithmetic progression for all $i\neq j$?
Simonovits and Sós [SiSo81] have shown that $t\ll N^2$. It is possible that the maximal $t$ is achieved when we take the $A_i$ to be all arithmetic progressions in $\{1,\ldots,N\}$ containing some fixed element.

If we drop the non-empty requirement then Simonovits, Sós, and Graham [SiSoGr80] have shown that \[t\leq \binom{N}{3}+\binom{N}{2}+\binom{N}{1}+1\] and this is best possible.

Additional thanks to: Zachary Hunter
Suppose $A\subseteq\mathbb{N}$ and $C>0$ is such that $1_A\ast 1_A(n)\leq C$ for all $n\in\mathbb{N}$. Can $A$ be partitioned into $t$ many subsets $A_1,\ldots,A_t$ (where $t=t(C)$ depends only on $C$) such that $1_{A_i}\ast 1_{A_i}(n)<C$ for all $1\leq i\leq t$ and $n\in \mathbb{N}$?
Asked by Erdős and Newman. Nešetřil and Rödl have shown the answer is no for all $C$ (source is cited as 'personal communication' in [ErGr80]). Erdős had previously shown the answer is no for $C=3,4$ and infinitely many other values of $C$.
Let $A,B\subseteq \mathbb{N}$ such that for all large $N$ \[\lvert A\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert \gg N^{1/2}\] and \[\lvert B\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert \gg N^{1/2}.\] Is it true that there are infinitely many solutions to $a_1-a_2=b_1-b_2\neq 0$ with $a_1,a_2\in A$ and $b_1,b_2\in B$?
Ruzsa has observed that there is a simple counterexample: take $A$ to be the set of numbers whose binary representation has only non-zero digits in even places, and $B$ similarly but with non-zero digits only in odd places. It is easy to see $A$ and $B$ both grow like $\gg N^{1/2}$ and yet for any $n\geq 1$ there is exactly one solution to $n=a+b$ with $a\in A$ and $b\in B$.

Ruzsa suggests that a non-trivial variant of this problem arises if one imposes the stronger condition that \[\lvert A\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert \sim c_AN^{1/2}\] for some constant $c_A>0$ as $N\to \infty$, and similarly for $B$.

Additional thanks to: Imre Ruzsa
Let $d(A)$ denote the density of $A\subseteq \mathbb{N}$. Characterise those $A,B\subseteq \mathbb{N}$ with positive density such that \[d(A+B)=d(A)+d(B).\]
One way this can happen is if there exists $\theta>0$ such that \[A=\{ n>0 : \{ n\theta\} \in X_A\}\textrm{ and }B=\{ n>0 : \{n\theta\} \in X_B\}\] where $\{x\}$ denotes the fractional part of $x$ and $X_A,X_B\subseteq \mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ are such that $\mu(X_A+X_B)=\mu(X_A)+\mu(X_B)$. Are all possible $A$ and $B$ generated in a similar way (using other groups)?
Let $A\subseteq \mathbb{N}$ be an additive basis (of any finite order) such that $\lvert A\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert=o(N)$. Is it true that \[\lim_{N\to \infty}\frac{\lvert (A+A)\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert}{\lvert A\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert}=\infty?\]
The answer is no, and a counterexample was provided by Turjányi [Tu84]. This was generalised (to the replacement of $A+A$ by the $h$-fold sumset $hA$ for any $h\geq 2$) by Ruzsa and Turjányi [RT85]. Ruzsa and Turjányi do prove (under the same hypotheses) that \[\lim_{N\to \infty}\frac{\lvert (A+A+A)\cap \{1,\ldots,3N\}\rvert}{\lvert A\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert}=\infty,\] and conjecture that the same should be true with $(A+A)\cap \{1,\ldots,2N\}$ in the numerator.
Additional thanks to: Zachary Chase, Zach Hunter
Let $A=\{1,2,4,8,13,21,31,45,66,81,97,\ldots\}$ be the greedy Sidon sequence: we begin with $1$ and iteratively include the next smallest integer that preserves the Sidon property. What is the order of growth of $A$? Is it true that \[\lvert A\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert \gg N^{1/2-\epsilon}\] for all $\epsilon>0$ and large $N$?
Erdős and Graham [ErGr80] also asked about the difference set $A-A$, whether this has positive density, and whether this contains $22$. It does contain $22$, since $a_{15}-a_{14}=204-182=22$. The smallest integer which is unknown to be in $A-A$ is $33$. It may be true that all or almost all integers are in $A-A$.

This sequence is at OEIS A005282.

Additional thanks to: Vjekoslav Kovac
If $A\subset\mathbb{N}$ is a finite set of integers all of whose subset sums are distinct then \[\sum_{n\in A}\frac{1}{n}<2.\]
This was proved by Ryavec. The stronger statement that, for all $s\geq 0$, \[\sum_{n\in A}\frac{1}{n^s} <\frac{1}{1-2^{-s}},\] was proved by Hanson, Steele, and Stenger [HSS77].

See also [1].

Let $p$ be a prime. Given any finite set $A\subseteq \mathbb{F}_p\backslash \{0\}$, is there always a rearrangement $A=\{a_1,\ldots,a_t\}$ such that all partial sums $\sum_{1\leq k\leq m}a_{k}$ are distinct, for all $1\leq m\leq t$?
A problem of Graham, who proved it when $t=p-1$. A similar conjecture was made for arbitrary abelian groups by Alspach. Such an ordering is often called a valid ordering.

This has been proved for $t\leq 12$ (see Costa and Pellegrini [CoPe20] and the references therein) and for $p-3\leq t\leq p-1$ (see Hicks, Ollis, and Schmitt [HOS19] and the references therein). Kravitz [Kr24] has proved this for \[t \leq \frac{\log p}{\log\log p}.\] (This was independently earlier observed by Will Sawin in a MathOverflow post.)

Bedert and Kravitz [BeKr24] have now proved this conjecture for \[t \leq e^{(\log p)^{1/4}}.\]

Additional thanks to: Zachary Chase and Noah Kravitz
Let $A\subseteq \mathbb{F}_p$. Let \[A\hat{+}A = \{ a+b : a\neq b \in A\}.\] Is it true that \[\lvert A\hat{+}A\rvert \geq \min(2\lvert A\rvert-3,p)?\]
A question of Erdős and Heilbronn. Solved in the affirmative by da Silva and Hamidoune [dSHa94].
Let $f(k)$ be the minimal $N$ such that if $\{1,\ldots,N\}$ is $k$-coloured then there is a monochromatic solution to $a+b=c$. Estimate $f(k)$. In particular, is it true that $f(k) < c^k$ for some constant $c>0$?
Schur proved that $f(k)<ek!$. See also [183].
Prove that there exists an absolute constant $c>0$ such that, whenever $\{1,\ldots,N\}$ is $k$-coloured (and $N$ is large enough depending on $k$) then there are at least $cN$ many integers in $\{1,\ldots,N\}$ which are representable as a monochromatic sum (that is, $a+b$ where $a,b\in \{1,\ldots,N\}$ are in the same colour class and $a\neq b$).
A conjecture of Roth.

Solved by Erdős, Sárközy, and Sós [ESS89], who in fact prove that there are at least \[\frac{N}{2}-O(N^{1-1/2^{k+1}})\] many even numbers which are of this form. They also prove that if $k=2$ then there are at least \[\frac{N}{2}-O(\log N)\] many even numbers which are of this form, and that $O(\log N)$ is best possible, since there is a $2$-colouring such that no power of $2$ is representable as a monochromatic sum.

A refinement of this problem appears as Problem 25 on the open problems list of Ben Green.

Additional thanks to: Florian Richter
Let $A\subset \mathbb{C}$ be a finite set of fixed size, for any $k\geq 1$ let \[A_k = \{ z_1+\cdots+z_k : z_i\in A\textrm{ distinct}\}.\] For $k>2$ does the set $A_k$ (together with the size of $A$) uniquely determine the set $A$?
A problem of Selfridge and Straus [SeSt58], who prove that this is true if $k=2$ and $\lvert A\rvert \neq 2^l$ (for $l\geq 0$). On the other hand, there are examples with two distinct $A,B$ both of size $2^l$ such that $A_2=B_2$.

More generally, they prove that $A$ is uniquely determined by $A_k$ if $n$ is divisible by a prime greater than $k$. Selfridge and Straus sound more cautious than Erdős, and it may well be that for all $k>2$ there exist $A,B$ of the same size with identical $A_k=B_k$.

(In [Er61] Erdős states this problem incorrectly, replacing sums with products. This product formulation is easily seen to be false, as observed by Steinerberger: consider the case $k=3$ and subsets of the 6th roots of unity corresponding to $\{0,1,2,4\}$ and $\{0,2,3,4\}$ (as subsets of $\mathbb{Z}/6\mathbb{Z}$). The correct problem statement can be found in the paper of Selfridge and Straus that Erdős cites.)

Additional thanks to: Stefan Steinerberger
If $\mathbb{N}$ is 2-coloured then must there exist a monochromatic three-term arithmetic progression $x,x+d,x+2d$ such that $d>x$?
Erdös writes 'perhaps this is easy or false'. It is not true for four-term arithmetic progressions: colour the integers in $[3^{2k},3^{2k+1})$ red and all others blue.

Ryan Alweiss has provided the following simple argument showing that the answer is yes: suppose we have some red/blue colouring without this property. Without loss of generality, suppose $1$ is coloured red, and then either $3$ or $5$ must be blue.

Suppose first that $3$ is blue. If $n\geq 6$ is red then (considering $1,n,2n-1$) we deduce $2n-1$ is blue, and then (considering $3,n+1,2n-1$) we deduce that $n+1$ is red. In particular the colouring must be eventually constant, and we are done.

Now suppose that $5$ is blue. Arguing similarly (considering $1,n,2n-1$ and $5,n+2,2n-1$) we deduce that if $n\geq 8$ is red then $n+2$ is also red, and we are similarly done, since the colouring must be eventually constant on some congruence class modulo $2$.

Additional thanks to: Ryan Alweiss
Let $\delta>0$ and $N$ be sufficiently large depending on $\delta$. Is it true that if $A\subseteq \{1,\ldots,N\}^2$ has $\lvert A\rvert \geq \delta N^2$ then $A$ must contain the vertices of a square?
A problem of Graham, if the square is restricted to be axis-aligned. (It is unclear whether in [Er97e] had this restriction in mind.)

This qualitative statement follows from the density Hales-Jewett theorem proved by Furstenberg and Katznelson [FuKa91]. A quantitative proof (yet with very poor bounds) was given by Solymosi [So04].

OPEN - $500
Let $A\subset \mathbb{N}$ be a finite Sidon set. Is there some set $B$ with $A\subseteq B$ which is perfect difference set modulo $p^2+p+1$ for some prime $p$?
See also [44] and [329].
Let $W(3,k)$ be the van der Waerden number defined as the minimum $n$ such that in any red/blue colouring of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ there exists either a red $3$-term arithmetic progression or a blue $k$-term arithmetic progression.

Give reasonable bounds for $W(3,k)$. In particular, give any non-trivial lower bounds for $W(3,k)$ and prove that $W(3,k) < \exp(k^c)$ for some constant $c<1$.

While we do not have a full understanding of the growth of $W(3,k)$, both of the specific challenges of Erdős have been met.

Green [Gr22] established the superpolynomial lower bound \[W(3,k) \geq \exp\left( c\frac{(\log k)^{4/3}}{(\log\log k) ^{1/3}}\right)\] for some constant $c>0$ (in particular disproving a conjecture of Graham that $W(3,k)\ll k^2$). Hunter [Hu22] improved this to \[W(3,k) \geq \exp\left( c\frac{(\log k)^{2}}{\log\log k}\right).\] The first to show that $W(3,k) < \exp(k^c)$ for some $c<1$ was Schoen [Sc21]. The best upper bound currently known is \[W(3,k) \ll \exp\left( O((\log k)^9)\right),\] which follows from the best bounds known for sets without three-term arithmetic progressions (see [BlSi23] which improves slightly on the bounds due to Kelley and Meka [KeMe23]).

Let $A\subseteq \mathbb{N}$ be such that $A+A$ has positive density. Can one always decompose $A=A_1\sqcup A_2$ such that $A_1+A_1$ and $A_2+A_2$ both have positive density?

Is there a basis $A$ of order $2$ such that if $A=A_1\sqcup A_2$ then $A_1+A_1$ and $A_2+A_2$ cannot both have bounded gaps?

A problem of Burr and Erdős. Erdős [Er94b] thought he could construct a basis as in the second question, but 'could never quite finish the proof'.
Let $\epsilon>0$. Does there exist $A\subseteq \mathbb{N}$ such that the lower density of $A+A$ is at least $1-\epsilon$ and yet $1_A\ast 1_A(n) \ll_\epsilon 1$ for all $n$?
A similar question can be asked for upper density.

See also [28].

Let $A\subseteq \mathbb{N}$. Can there exist some constant $c>0$ such that \[\sum_{n\leq N} 1_A\ast 1_A(n) = cN+O(1)?\]
A conjecture of Erdős and Turán. Erdős and Fuchs [ErFu56] proved that the answer is no in a strong form: in fact even \[\sum_{n\leq N} 1_A\ast 1_A(n) = cN+o\left(\frac{N^{1/4}}{(\log N)^{1/2}}\right)\] is impossible. The error term here was improved to $N^{1/4}$ by Jurkat (unpublished) and Montgomery and Vaughan [MoVa90].
Let $A\subseteq \mathbb{N}$. Can there exist some constant $c>0$ such that \[\sum_{n\leq N} 1_A\ast 1_A\ast 1_A(n) = cN+O(1)?\]
The case of $1_A\ast 1_A(n)$ is the subject of [763].

The answer is no, proved in a strong form by Vaughan [Va72], who showed that in fact \[\sum_{n\leq N} 1_A\ast 1_A\ast 1_A(n) = cN+o\left(\frac{N^{1/4}}{(\log N)^{1/2}}\right)\] is impossible. Vaughan proves a more general result that applies to any $h$-fold convolution, with different main terms permitted.

Let $k\geq 1$ and $H_k(n)$ be the maximal $r$ such that if $A\subset\mathbb{N}$ has $\lvert A\rvert=n$ and $\| 1_A\ast 1_A\|_\infty \leq k$ then $A$ contains a Sidon set of size at least $r$.

Is it true that $H_k(n)/n^{1/2}\to \infty$? Or even $H_k(n) > n^{1/2+c}$ for some constant $c>0$?

Erdős [Er84d] proved that \[H_k(n) \ll n^{2/3}\] (where the implied constant is absolute). The lower bound $H_k(n)\gg n^{1/2}$ follows from the fact that any set of size $n$ contains a Sidon set of size $\gg n^{1/2}$ (see [530]).

The answer is yes, and in fact \[H_k(n) \gg_k n^{2/3},\] proved by Alon and Erdős [AlEr85]. We sketch their proof as follows: take a random subset $A'\subset A$, including each $n\in A'$ with probability $\asymp n^{-1/3}$. The number of non-trivial additive quadruples in $A$ is $\ll n^2$ and hence only $\ll n^{2/3}$ non-trivial additive quadruples remain in $A'$. Since the size of the random subset is $\gg n^{2/3}$, all of the remaining non-trivial additive quadruples can be removed by removing at most $\lvert A'\rvert/2$ (choosing the constants suitably).

Additional thanks to: Noga Alon
Let $f(k)$ be the minimal $n$ such that any $2$-colouring of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ contains a monochromatic $k$-term descending wave: a sequence $x_1<\cdots <x_k$ such that, for $1<j<k$, \[x_j \geq \frac{x_{j+1}+x_{j-1}}{2}.\] Estimate $f(k)$. In particular is it true that $f(k)=k^2-k+1$ for all $k$?
A question of Brown, Erdős, and Freedman [BEF90], who proved \[k^2-k+1\leq f(k) \leq \frac{k^3-4k+9}{3}.\] Resolved by Alon and Spencer [AlSp89] who proved that in fact $f(k) \gg k^3$.
Let $A,B\subseteq \mathbb{N}$ be infinite sets such that $A+B$ contains all large integers. Let $A(x)=\lvert A\cap [1,x]\rvert$ and similarly for $B(x)$. Is it true that if $A(x)B(x)\sim x$ then \[A(x)B(x)-x\to \infty\] as $x\to \infty$?
A conjecture of Erdős and Danzer. Such sets $A$ and $B$ (with all large integers in $A+B$ and $A(x)B(x)\sim x$) are called exact additive complements. Danzer [Da64] proved that exact additive complements exist.

The answer is yes, proved by Sárközy and Szemerédi [SaSz94]. Ruzsa [Ru17] has constructed, for any function $w(x)\to \infty$, such a pair of sets with \[A(x)B(x)-x<w(x)\] for infinitely many $x$.

Let $g(n)$ be maximal such that given any set $A\subset \mathbb{R}$ with $\lvert A\rvert=n$ there exists some $B\subseteq A$ of size $\lvert B\rvert\geq g(n)$ such that $b_1+b_2\not\in A$ for all $b_1\neq b_2\in B$.

Estimate $g(n)$.

A conjecture of Erdős and Moser. Klarner proved $g(n) \gg \log n$ (indeed, a greedy construction suffices). Choi [Ch71] proved $g(n) \ll n^{2/5+o(1)}$. The current best bounds known are \[(\log n)^{1+c} \ll g(n) \ll \exp(\sqrt{\log n})\] for some constant $c>0$, the lower bound due to Sanders [Sa21] and the upper bound due to Ruzsa [Ru05].
Let $f(n)$ be maximal such that if $B\subset (2n,4n)\cap \mathbb{N}$ there exists some $C\subset (n,2n)\cap \mathbb{N}$ such that $c_1+c_2\not\in B$ for all $c_1\neq c_2\in C$ and $\lvert C\rvert+\lvert B\rvert \geq f(n)$.

Estimate $f(n)$. In particular is it true that $f(n)\leq n^{1/2+o(1)}$?

A conjecture of Choi [Ch71], who proved $f(n) \ll n^{3/4}$.
Let $h(n)$ be maximal such that if $A\subseteq \mathbb{Z}$ with $\lvert A\rvert=n$ then there is $B\subseteq A$ with $\lvert B\rvert \geq h(n)$ such that if $a_1+\cdots+a_r=b_1+\cdots+b_s$ with $a_i,b_i\in B$ then $r=s$.

Estimate $h(n)$.

Straus [St66] proved $h(n) \ll n^{1/2}$. Erdős noted the bound $h(n)\gg n^{1/3}$ and Choi [Ch74b] improved this to $h(n) \gg (n\log n)^{1/3}$.

See also [186] and [874].

Additional thanks to: Sarosh Adenwalla
Let $l(n)$ be maximal such that if $A\subset\mathbb{Z}$ with $\lvert A\rvert=n$ then there exists a sum-free $B\subseteq A$ with $\lvert B\rvert \geq l(n)$ - that is, $B$ is such that there are no solutions to \[a_1=a_2+\cdots+a_r\] with $a_i\in B$ all distinct.

Estimate $l(n)$. In particular, is it true that $l(n)n^{-1/2}\to \infty$? Is it true that $l(n)< n^{1-c}$ for some $c>0$?

Erdős observed that $l(n)\geq (n/2)^{1/2}$, which Choi improved to $l(n)>(1+c)n^{1/2}$ for some $c>0$. Erdős thought he could prove $l(n)=o(n)$ but had 'difficulties in reconstructing [his] proof'.

See also [876].

Let $g(n)$ be minimal such that there exists $A\subseteq \{0,\ldots,n\}$ of size $g(n)$ with $\{0,\ldots,n\}\subseteq A+A$. Estimate $g(n)$. In particular is it true that $g(n)\sim 2n^{1/2}$?
A problem of Rohrbach, who proved \[(2^{1/2}+c)n^{1/2} \leq g(n) \leq 2n^{1/2}\] for some small constant $c>0$.
Let $f(n)$ be maximal such that in any $A\subset \mathbb{Z}$ with $\lvert A\rvert=n$ there exists some sum-free subset $B\subseteq A$ with $\lvert B\rvert \geq f(n)$, so that there are no solutions to \[a+b=c\] with $a,b,c\in B$. Estimate $f(n)$.
Erdős gave a simple proof that shows $f(n) \geq n/3$. The best known bounds are \[\frac{n}{3}+2\leq f(n) \leq \frac{n}{3}+o(n).\] The lower bound is due to Bourgain [Bo97] and the upper bound is due to Eberhard, Green, and Manners [EGM14].
Let $A\subseteq \{1,\ldots,n\}$ with $\lvert A\rvert \leq n^{1/2}$. Must there exist some $B\subset\mathbb{Z}$ with $\lvert B\rvert=o(n^{1/2})$ such that $A\subseteq B+B$?
A problem of Erdős and Newman [ErNe77], who proved that there exist $A$ with $\lvert A\rvert\asymp n^{1/2}$ such that if $A\subseteq B+B$ then \[\lvert B\rvert \gg \frac{\log\log n}{\log n}n^{1/2}.\]

Resolved by Alon, Bukh, and Sudakov [ABS09], who proved that for any $A\subseteq \{1,\ldots,n\}$ with $\lvert A\rvert \leq n^{1/2}$ there exists some $B$ such that $A\subseteq B+B$ and \[\lvert B\rvert \ll \frac{\log\log n}{\log n}n^{1/2}.\]

See also [333].

Let $c,\epsilon>0$ and $n$ be sufficiently large. If $A\subset \mathbb{N}$ has $\lvert A\rvert=n$ and $G$ is any graph on $A$ with at least $n^{1+c}$ edges then \[\max(\lvert A+_GA\rvert,\lvert A\cdot_G A\rvert) \geq \lvert A\rvert^{1+c-\epsilon},\] where \[A+_GA = \{ a+b : (a,b)\in G\}\] and similarly for $A\cdot_GA$.
A problem of Erdős and Szemerédi, which strengthens the conjecture [52].

This strong conjecture was disproved by Alon, Ruzsa, and Solymosi [ARS20], who constructed (for arbitrarily large $n$) a set of integers $A$ with $\lvert A\rvert=n$ and a graph $G$ with $\gg n^{5/3-o(1)}$ many edges such that \[\max(\lvert A+_GA\rvert,\lvert A\cdot_G A\rvert) \ll \lvert A\rvert^{4/3+o(1)}.\] Alon, Ruzsa, and Solymosi do prove, however, that if $A$ has size $n$ and $G$ has $m$ edges then \[\max(\lvert A+_GA\rvert,\lvert A\cdot_G A\rvert) \gg m^{3/2}n^{-7/4}.\]

Additional thanks to: Noga Alon
Let $k\geq 3$ and define $g_k(n)$ to be the minimal $N$ such that $\{1,\ldots,N\}$ contains some $A$ of size $\lvert A\rvert=n$ such that \[\langle A\rangle = \left\{\sum_{a\in A}\epsilon_aa: \epsilon_a\in \{0,1\}\right\}\] contains no non-trivial $k$-term arithmetic progression. Estimate $g_k(n)$. In particular, is it true that \[g_3(n) \gg 3^n?\]
A problem of Erdős and Sárközy who proved \[g_3(n) \gg \frac{3^n}{n^{O(1)}}.\]
Additional thanks to: Zach Hunter
Let $A$ be a finite set of integers such that $\lvert A+A\rvert \ll \lvert A\rvert$. Is it true that \[\lvert AA\rvert \gg \frac{\lvert A\rvert^2}{(\log \lvert A\rvert)^C}\] for some constant $C>0$?
This was proved by Solymosi [So09d], in the strong form \[\lvert AA\rvert \gg \frac{\lvert A\rvert^2}{\log \lvert A\rvert}.\]

See also [52].

Let $f(N)$ be maximal such that there exists $A\subseteq \{1,\ldots,N\}$ with $\lvert A\rvert=\lfloor N^{1/2}\rfloor$ such that $\lvert (A+A)\cap [1,N]\rvert=f(N)$. Estimate $f(N)$.
Erdős and Freud [ErFr91] proved \[\left(\frac{3}{8}-o(1)\right)N \leq f(N) \leq \left(\frac{1}{2}+o(1)\right)N,\] and note that it is closely connected to the size of the largest quasi-Sidon set (see [840]).
Additional thanks to: Terence Tao
Let $f(N)$ be the size of the largest quasi-Sidon subset $A\subset\{1,\ldots,N\}$, where we say that $A$ is quasi-Sidon if \[\lvert A+A\rvert=(1+o(1))\binom{\lvert A\rvert}{2}.\] How does $f(N)$ grow?
Considered by Erdős and Freud [ErFr91], who proved \[\left(\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}}+o(1)\right)N^{1/2} \leq f(N) \leq \left(2+o(1)\right)N^{1/2}.\] Note that $2/\sqrt{3}=1.15\cdots$. The lower bound is taking a genuine Sidon set $B\subset [1,N/3]$ of size $\sim N^{1/2}/\sqrt{3}$ and taking the union with $\{N-b : b\in B\}$. The upper bound was improved by Pikhurko [Pi06] to \[f(N) \leq \left(\left(\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{(\pi+2)^2}\right)^{-1/2}+o(1)\right)N^{1/2}\] (the constant here is $=1.863\cdots$).

The analogous question with $A-A$ in place of $A+A$ is simpler, and there the maximal size is $\sim N^{1/2}$, as proved by Cilleruelo.

See also [30], [819], and [864].

Additional thanks to: Terence Tao
Let $A\subset \mathbb{N}$ be an infinite set for which there exists some $\epsilon>0$ such that in any subset of $A$ of size $n$ there is a subset of size at least $\epsilon n$ which contains no three-term arithmetic progression.

Is it true that $A$ is the union of a finite number of sets which contain no three-term arithmetic progression?

A problem of Erdős, Nešetřil, and Rödl.

See also [774] and [846].

Let $r\geq 2$ and let $A\subseteq \{1,\ldots,N\}$ be a set of maximal size such that there are at most $r$ solutions to $n=a+b$ with $a\leq b$ for any $n$. (That is, $A$ is a $B_2[r]$ set.)

Similarly, let $B\subseteq \{1,\ldots,N\}$ be a set of maximal size such that there are at most $r$ solutions to $n=a-b$ for any $n$.

If $\lvert A\rvert\sim c_rN^{1/2}$ as $N\to \infty$ and $\lvert B\rvert \sim c_r'N^{1/2}$ as $N\to \infty$ then is it true that $c_r\neq c_r'$ for $r\geq 2$? Is it true that $c_r'<c_r$?

According to Erdős, first formulated in conversation with Berend, and later independently reformulated with Freud.

It is true that $c_1=c_1'$, and the classical bound on the size of Sidon sets (see [30]) implies $c_1=c_1'=1$.

Let $A\subseteq \{1,\ldots N\}$ be a set of maximal size such that there exists at most $n$ with more than one solution to $n=a+b$ (with $a\leq b$). Estimate $\lvert A\rvert$ - in particular, is it true that \[\lvert A\rvert \leq (1+o(1))\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}}N^{1/2}?\]
A problem of Erdős and Freud, who prove that \[\lvert A\rvert \geq (1+o(1))\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}}N^{1/2}.\] This is shown by taking a genuine Sidon set $B\subset [1,N/3]$ of size $\sim N^{1/2}/\sqrt{3}$ and taking the union with $\{N-b : b\in B\}$.

For the analogous question with $n=a-b$ they prove that $\lvert A\rvert\sim N^{1/2}$.

This is a weaker form of [840].

There exists a constant $C>0$ such that, for all large $N$, if $A\subseteq \{1,\ldots,N\}$ has size at least $\frac{5}{8}N+C$ then there are distinct $a,b,c\in A$ such that $a+b,a+c,b+c\in A$.
A problem of Erdős and Sós (also earlier considered by Choi, Erdős, and Szemerédi [CES75], but Erdős had forgotten this). Taking all integers in $[N/8,N/4]$ and $[N/2,N]$ shows that $\frac{5}{8}$ would be best possible here.

It is a classical folklore fact that if $A\subseteq \{1,\ldots,2N\}$ has size $\geq N+2$ then there are distinct $a,b\in A$ such that $a+b\in A$, which establishes the $k=2$ case.

In general, one can define $f_k(N)$ to be minimal such that if $A\subseteq \{1,\ldots,N\}$ has size at least $f_k(N)$ then there are $k$ distinct $a_i\in A$ such that all $\binom{k}{2}$ pairwise sums are elements of $A$. Erdős and Sós conjectured that \[f_k(N)\sim \frac{1}{2}\left(1+\sum_{1\leq r\leq k-2}\frac{1}{4^r}\right) N,\] and a similar example shows that this would be best possible.

Choi, Erdős, and Szemerédi [CES75] have proved that, for all $k\geq 3$, there exists $\epsilon_k>0$ such that (for large enough $N$) \[f_k(N)\leq \left(\frac{2}{3}-\epsilon_k\right)N.\]

Let $k\geq 3$ and $g_k(N)$ be minimal such that if $A\subseteq \{1,\ldots,2N\}$ has $\lvert A\rvert \geq N+g_k(N)$ then there exist integers $b_1,\ldots,b_k$ such that all $\binom{k}{2}$ pairwise sums are in $A$ (but the $b_i$ themselves need not be in $A$).

Estimate $g_k(N)$.

A problem of Choi, Erdős, and Szemerédi. It is clear that the set of odd numbers has this property, whence $g_k(N)\geq 0$ always. Choi, Erdős, and Szemerédi proved that $g_3(N)=2$ and $g_4(N) \ll 1$. They also proved that \[g_5(N)\asymp \log N\] and \[g_6(N)\asymp N^{1/2}.\] In general they proved that \[g_k(N) \ll_k N^{1-2^{-k}}\] and for every $\epsilon>0$ if $k$ is sufficiently large then \[g_k(N) > N^{1-\epsilon}.\]

As an example, taking $A$ to be the set of all odd integers and the powers of $2$ shows that $g_5(N)\gg \log N$ for some $c>0$.

Is it true that if $A=\{a_1<\cdots <a_t\}\subseteq \{1,\ldots,N\}$ has no solutions to \[a_i+a_{i+1}+\cdots+a_j\in A\] then \[\lvert A\rvert \leq \frac{N}{2}+O(1)?\]
A finitary version of [839].
Let $k(N)$ denote the size of the largest set $A\subseteq \{1,\ldots,N\}$ such that the sets \[S_r = \{ a_1+\cdots +a_r : a_1<\cdots<a_r\in A\}\] are disjoint for distinct $r\geq 1$. Estimate $k(N)$ - in particular, is it true that $k(N)\sim 2N^{1/2}$?
Straus [St66] calls such sets admissible, and proved that \[\limsup \frac{k(N)}{N^{1/2}}\leq \frac{4}{\sqrt{3}}=2.309\cdots,\] and that $A=(N-k,N]\cap \mathbb{N}$ has this property for $k=2m-1$ if $N\in [m^2,m^2+m)$ and for $k=2m$ if $N\in [m^2+m,(m+1)^2)$, which implies that \[\liminf \frac{k(N)}{N^{1/2}}\geq 2.\] Erdős, Nicolas, and Sárközy [ENS91] improved the upper bound to \[\limsup \frac{k(N)}{N^{1/2}}\leq (143/27)^{1/2}=2.301\cdots.\] The conjecture was proved (for all large $N$) by Deshouillers and Freiman [DeFr99], who further show that in some cases the largest such $A$ has the form $(N-k,N]\cap \mathbb{N}$ as above.

See also [186] and [789]. For an infinite version of this problem see [875].

Let $A=\{a_1<a_2<\cdots\}\subset \mathbb{N}$ be an infinite set such that the sets \[S_r = \{ a_1+\cdots +a_r : a_1<\cdots<a_r\in A\}\] are disjoint for distinct $r\geq 1$. How fast can such a sequence grow? How small can $a_{n+1}-a_n$ be? In particular, for which $c$ is it possible that $a_{n+1}-a_n\leq n^{c}$?
A problem of Deshouillers and Erdős (an infinite version of [874]). Such sets are sometimes called admissible. Erdős writes 'it [is not] completely trivial to find such a sequence for which $a_{n+1}/a_n\to 1$'. It is not clear from this whether Deshouillers and Erdős knew of such a sequence.
Let $A=\{a_1<a_2<\cdots\}\subset \mathbb{N}$ be an infinite sum-free set - that is, there are no solutions to \[a=b_1+\cdots+b_r\] with $b_1<\cdots<b_r<a\in A$. How small can $a_{n+1}-a_n$ be? Is it possible that $a_{n+1}-a_n<n$?
Erdős [Er98] writes that Graham 'recently proved' that there is such a sequence for which $a_{n+1}-a_n<n^{1+o(1)}$, and that Melfi proved a somewhat weaker result.

Erdős [Er62c] proved that a sum-free set has density zero. Deshouillers, Erdős, and Melfi [DEM99] constructed a sum-free set that grows like $a_n\sim n^{3+o(1)}$.

Luczak and Schoen [LuSc00] have proved that, for all large $N$, \[\lvert A\cap [1,N]\rvert\ll (N\log N)^{1/2},\] and that there exists a sum-free set $B$ such that \[\lvert B\cap [1,N]\rvert \gg \frac{N^{1/2}}{(\log N)^{1/2+o(1)}}\] for all large $N$.

See also [790].

Let $f_m(n)$ count the number of maximal sum-free subsets $A\subseteq\{1,\ldots,n\}$ - that is, there are no solutions to $a=b+c$ in $A$ and $A$ is maximal with this property. Estimate $f(n)$ - is it true that $f_m(n)=o(2^{n/2})$?
A problem of Cameron and Erdős, who proved that $f_m(n)>2^{n/4}$, and also asked whether \[f_m(n)=o(f(n)),\] where $f(n)$ counts the number of all (not necessarily maximal) sum-free sets. Luczak and Schoen [LuSc01] proved that there exists a constant $c<1/2$ such that \[f_m(n)<2^{cn},\] resolving these questions. Balogh, Liu, Sharifzadeh, and Treglown [BLST14] proved that \[f_m(n)=2^{(\frac{1}{4}+o(1))n},\] which the same authors [BLST18] later improved to \[f_m(n)=(C_n+o(1))2^{n/4},\] where $C_n$ is some explicit constant depending only on $n\pmod{4}$.

See [748] for the non-maximal case.

Is it true that, for all sufficiently large $n$, if $G$ is a triangle-free graph on $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ then there must exist three independent points $a,b,a+b$?
A problem of Erdős and Hajnal. Hajnal thought that there is in fact an independent set which is a Hindman set - that is, an independent set of the shape \[\left\{ \sum_{i\in S}a_i : S\subseteq \{1,\ldots,k\}\right\}\] for some $a_1,\ldots,a_k$ (provided $n$ is sufficiently large depending on $k$).
Let $A\subseteq \mathbb{N}$ be an infinite set such that $\lvert A\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert=o(N)$. Is it true that \[\limsup_{N\to \infty}\frac{\lvert (A-A)\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert}{\lvert A\cap \{1,\ldots,N\}\rvert}=\infty?\]
The answer is yes, proved by Ruzsa [Ru78].

See also [245] for the sum set analogue.