Soifer proved [So09] that if we relax congruence to similarity then every triangle can be cut into $n$ similar triangles when $n\neq 2,3,5$ and there exists a triangle that cannot be cut into $2$, $3$, or $5$ similar triangles.
See also [634].
In particular, it is not known if $19$ has this property (i.e. are there $19$ congruent triangles which can be assembled into a triangle?).
For more on this problem see these slides from a talk by Michael Beeson. As a demonstration of this problem we include a picture of a cutting of an equilateral triangle into $27$ congruent triangles from these slides.
Soifer proved [So09] that if we relax congruence to similarity then every triangle can be cut into $N$ similar triangles when $N\neq 2,3,5$.
If one requires the smaller triangles to be similar to the larger triangle then the only possible values of $N$ are $n^2,n^2+m^2,3n^2$, proved by Snover, Waiveris, and Williams [SWW91].
See also [633].