This strong conjecture was disproved by Alon, Ruzsa, and Solymosi [ARS20], who constructed (for arbitrarily large $n$) a set of integers $A$ with $\lvert A\rvert=n$ and a graph $G$ with $\gg n^{5/3-o(1)}$ many edges such that \[\max(\lvert A+_GA\rvert,\lvert A\cdot_G A\rvert) \ll \lvert A\rvert^{4/3+o(1)}.\] Alon, Ruzsa, and Solymosi do prove, however, that if $A$ has size $n$ and $G$ has $m$ edges then \[\max(\lvert A+_GA\rvert,\lvert A\cdot_G A\rvert) \gg m^{3/2}n^{-7/4}.\]