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OPEN - $250
Let $a,b,c$ be three integers which are pairwise coprime. Is every large integer the sum of distinct integers of the form $a^kb^lc^m$ ($k,l,m\geq 0$), none of which divide any other?
Conjectured by Erdős and Lewin [ErLe96], who (among other related results) prove this when $a=3$, $b=5$, and $c=7$.

In [Er92b] Erdős wrote 'last year I made the following silly conjecture': every integer $n$ can be written as the sum of distinct integers of the form $2^k3^l$, none of which divide any other. 'I mistakenly thought that this was a nice and difficult conjecture but Jansen and several others found a simple proof by induction.' This simple proof is as follows: one proves the stronger fact that such a representation always exists, and moreover if $n$ is even then all the summands can be taken to be even: if $n=2m$ we are done applying the inductive hypothesis to $m$. Otherwise if $n$ is odd then let $3^k$ be the largest power of $3$ which is $\leq n$ and apply the inductive hypothesis to $n-3^k$ (which is even).

In [Er92b] Erdős makes the stronger conjecture (for $a=2$, $b=3$, and $c=5$) that, for any $\epsilon>0$, all large integers $n$ can be written as the sum of distinct integers $b_1<\cdots <b_t$ of the form $2^k3^l5^m$ where $b_t<(1+\epsilon)b_1$.

See also [845].